Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Street Fair Weekend

They are fast becoming good friends. Bear can tolerate alot of pulling and tugging from a 4 1/2 month old. Amelia went to her first birthday party. She was all dressed up. We learned about amber necklaces there. I got one for her the next day and it has been awesome. It is suppose to help with teething. She slept for 13+ hours last night. Yeah!!!! I got the necklace at Baby Fenzy in El Cajon. Look Mom....PALM TREES!!!

My sleeping babies on a Sunday morning. No, she doesn't sleep with us. I just put her in bed when she wakes up after 6 am. Then she falls asleep till ..... whenever!

I thought this was funny. Jeanne was trying to take our picture and was taking a video instead. It's funny seeing what we look like when we are trying to get a decent picture. Note Jared can hold his smile for a long time! lol

The end result. I chose to take the picture in front of the Hostel because that was my first home when I drove down here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

1st Padre Game

Thanks for the tickets Steve.

Quiet Baby 4 1/2 Months

Talk, talk, talk in her own way. I love to hear her talk.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Couch Potato

I was a little nervous while taking this video. But it was a happy fun fall. We have been in the swim pool the past couple days and Amelia loves it. I wish I could get a video but I go when Jared is at work. So it is quite impossible to take a video of Amelia in the pool while I am in the pool with her. Hopefully we find some time this weekend.... with street fair going on, work, ect. We shall see. My goal for Amelia is to have her in swim class starting August.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jared went to Cedar Springs Falls yesterday with some guy pals.

See Jared jump.

See Jared jump from high up.

Jared jumps from high up.

4 Months Old

She is ADORABLE. At least we think so. Grandma Niles got her this adorable onesie. Good thing we decided to try it on today.... fits just right!
I made her this silly hat. Matching legwarmers are almost done. I even made a binkie to match. My newest crochet creation is making flowers. I'm sure I'll have them posted in the future.

She's four months old so she got her four month shots last Monday. She weighed in at 17.5 pounds and 26 inches long. 99%-tile for weight, 97%-tile for height, and 94%-tile for head size.
I love these booties she's wearing in the picture below. Grandma Songer sent them when I was pregnant. I can't figure the pattern out. Would love to make the same pair.... but bigger. Her feet are huge!

Sleeping babies are so precious. It's just knowing when she is really asleep. Most nights I put her to bed two through three times. The first time she wakes up she usually has a big bubble she needs to get up. I can't figure it out.... I burp her for a long time before I put her in bed. Tips?

Amelia decided to give us all a present in this video! I'm so good at capturing these magical moments from my daughter. We had other videos, but this one was the best. She was also in the process of giving us another surprise while filming....

We have noticed this past month that whenever we change Amelia's diaper she lifts up both legs and grabs her ankles. It's as if she knows she is helping us out by doing this. At first I thought it was a coincidence. But she does it EVERY time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May Flowers

Jared bought Amelia her first baseball cap at Babies R Us. He also got her a really cute Padre dress. I'm sure I'll post up pictures of her first game wearing the dress. We plan on going around Jared's birthday week. There are hardly any pictures of me and my baby girl. So I asked Jared to take a couple. So here they are. I see a resemblence... Messy Hair! haha
Mouth wide open kisses. That's how she shows me she loves me. And she gets hundreds of kisses every day.
Two babies in a blanket!
Daddy making a tent for his baby girl. Playtime is more fun in a tent.

She likes her toys in the carseat now. The other day we got to the car and she just started screaming. I don't know why. Maybe I pinched her on accident or maybe.... she was just excited to get in her carseat to play with her neat toys. More videos to come soon. Just done for the night. Check back soon.