Monday, March 28, 2011

Move to Alaska

Easter Dress Grandma Songer got Amelia. Hallie has one in blue. It will be fun getting their pictures with their dresses.

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while Mom gets stuff done.
On March 1st we moved to Alaska! I just thought I'd get this post started. I need to find the camera to add pictures. Amelia has experienced playing "by" the snow. She's not really a fan of playing in the snow. We went from living in a cold house to a very warm/hot house. Kinda interesting saying that. You'd think that in San Diego I would be saying how warm the house was, but it WASN'T! (To be fair it was a cold winter there and the house doesn't hold heat very well.) And here in Alaska the fireplace is always running so it's been very warm inside. Jared says he hasn't had a chance to get cold here and is a little frustrated about always being so darn warm! :) Warm or cold, I can be happy either way. I just like it that I don't have to worry about my baby being cold. Jared loves his job at Plumbline. We are very thankful he was hired on there. He enjoys the people he works with and for. He likes helping the customers out. And whether he likes it or not he seems to keep up on the town gossip. He's learning what it's like to live in a small town. He lived here for about 6 months before we got married, but spent most his time on a boat or at my parents house. Now he's working in town. He didn't waste any time in becoming involved in the community. The first week here he made a peanut butter and jelly pie for the scouts cake auction. It went for about $60. The second week he got involved in coaching the high school baseball team: Cordova Wolverines. He absolutely loves it. Tonight he is going to a town meeting about 4-wheelers. Some people want to make places four wheelers go unaccessable (basically). I am very proud of his willingness to give of himself like that. Enough about Jared, lets talk about our little superstar! AMELIA: LOVES LOVES LOVES her cousins. The other day I went to visit my Mom at the high school. She always runs over to Grandma and gives her a hug. Then she wants something (typical kid). She usually gets a cracker. Then she just wants to get down and run around. Well on the way out we usually roam the hall in the school for a bit. We don't play much outside and the house has a lot of running space, but it's nice to run in the hall at the school. Well, we saw MaKayla and Erikka in gym class. MaKayla came out first and scooped Amelia up. And my little girl was soooo excited to see her. Then Erikka came out and said hi. They couldn't stay out long. And when they went back to class Amelia was VERY unhappy. She LOVES to play with the big girls. She loves it when cousin Zack acts like a goofball and makes her crack up. She loves tickling Quincy's feet. She is a little attention hog at the dinner table when family comes over to eat. Out of nowhere she'll crack up just to get everyone's attention and to make them laugh. At church Amelia loves to run around with the other kids. There is one little girl in particular she likes to play with: Deshka. I don't know if that's how her name is spelled. She's a few years older than Amelia. She likes to run after Deshka and watch her play. We had a playdate with one of my childhood friends. Penny's daughter is 2 1/2. She is a sweetheart and very good playmate for Amelia. The girls had fun running after each other and pulling every single toy out. I loved watching them play together. It brought back fun memories. I'm not stressed. I know that things will work out. But it's a little frustrating trying to find a place to live. We enjoy living at my parents house and feel no pressure to leave. But I really want to have our own place by the time our 2nd baby is born. It's going to be a full house around here in May when Jake, Leslie, Hallie, and baby #2 (Jay?) move in too. We have an option. I'm excited about it but it's not a sure thing ... yet. So far I'm not stressed about it. What I am stressed about: Giving birth to baby #2. The hospital in Cordova does not deliver babies. So what the women of Cordova have to do is one of three options: #1: Emergency delivery at Cordova Hospital. Not for me. Mo Money. Option #2: Home Birth. Something I've considered. But my awesome doctor in San Diego said she strongly advised against it. I have big babies and it's not a good thing to take chances on in this small town... I'm not completely trusting in our medical facilities if anything was to "happen." Option #3: Go to Anchorage a few weeks before the due date, live in a hotel, and give birth at the Hospital in Anchorage wtih a happy epidural. I am going to have to go for option #3. Not very happy about it. What I've enjoyed so far: Cooking dinner with my Mom every night. Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Amelia. Seeing old friends. Making new ones. Watching it snow. (Don't enjoy being in the snow so much) Going to dinner at my Aunt Chris's house. Pizza Party's!!! Saying: "Amelia, let's go brush your teeth." And she'll go running for the bathroom. She loves brushing her teeth. Visiting Jared at work. Amelia loves visiting the lolipops, I mean her Dad, at work too. Seeing so much of my family. Going to Zack's basketball games. Amelia likes to go too. A warm house. What I miss: Mexian Food! Friends & Family SD Weather Target Driving 75 mph on the 8. Jared getting home from work by 3:30. Going to the park almost every day. My Hair Girl. My Doctor. My Dentist. St. Patrick's Day Dinner at Mike and Kelly's. (Missed seeing Linda and Billy) :( Ok, I better stop.


  1. Very good post. I feel caught up and I love that.

  2. Thanks for commenting Jenny. Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads these things.
