Thanks for putting up the swings Grandpa! I need a better picture where they have that "this is the best thing in the world" look.
Cheezing for the camera.
I love this time of year!!! Cordova, Alaska is a great place to be in the spring. It goes from a quiet little town into a bustling fishing community overnight. The energy is sky high. And speaking of sky.... it seems like you can fit two days of activity into one day because it is light for so dang long! I guess it's one way to make up for the short winter days here in the far North. I was a little worried about Amelia adjusting to falling asleep while it is still light outside. She is doing just fine. It's 11:20 pm and it is still pretty light outside. And did I mention pretty? It is beautifuly outside! Well, it depends on which window I am looking out... anyways.
Baby number two is due in less than two months. Our little one remains nameless. Kinda sad. I feel a little guilty because I don't pay attention to her like I did when Amelia was still "unborn." I don't keep up on my baby reading. I don't have her clothes washed and ready. I just don't. Not that I haven't thought about it. I just don't. But I am going to Anchorage in a couple days for a doctor appointment and sonogram. Exciting!!! Three hours on a ferry with Amelia to get there, two nights in a hotel, and then a 6-7 hour ferry ride back to Cordova. It will be fun!!! We learned from out last Anchorage/doctor trip to just let Amelia pass out in the carseat for her nap whilst we run errands. It's pointless to try to get her to sleep in a hotel/b&b/strange place. And her diet while away from home.... fun! Thank goodness for those fruit/veggie squeezies. You know the ones I'm talking about? Ella's Kitchen?
So Jake and Les are here with the two kids. Well, Les is here with the kids. Jake's out fishing. Hallie is about 19 months old (4 1/2 months older than Amelia). Jay is three weeks old. Both are so sosso soso so cute. I love them. I just didn't realize that kids that age (Amelia and Hallie's age) don't really know how to play together. So there's alot of toy looting and plundering from each other. Some hitting. And alot of fun. No really, it is fun. Just alot going on. I mean, 3 week old (and I didn't mention Les is healing from her C-Section), and I'm 8 months pregnant. At least there is one husband around and Grandma is helping out too. Crazy house! This will definately be a summer to remember. That is if we still have our minds to remember it. haha I'm so funny. We plan on moving into my parents Bed and Breakfast the beginning of August. By then my baby might be a week old. Yes, moving with a newborn! Toughen up Beck, that's what they used to do back in the day, in the middle of winter, with the wildings running about. I have it easy!!! I don't know what I was thinking, it's nice living with Grandma to help out!!! Maybe I'll just be a permanent resident of G&G's house!
Amelia is growing by leaps and bounds. I can't believe how amazing this being is. She is a little giggle box. She loves to be tickled. And she has a sense of humor. The other night she wanted up. So she says: "up." So I said, "up-fffph." She just thought that was very hystarical-like. So that little game entertained her for a whole two minutes. I appreciated her thinking I was funny. I think this mother daughter thing is going great so far. When we put her to bed at night she likes to poke our eyes out and say "eye." Same with our nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth, hair, ear (both of them). The latest is elbows (loves to kiss my elbow), eyebrow, piggies, and tonight: bum. She gives me kisses all day long. Then a ton at bedtime. I love this mom thing!
Whenever we come in the house I have to check her hands for rocks. She loves rocks. Loves to hold them, give them, throw them in the crick. I've found several stashed in her carseat.
Amelia got her 15 month shots last week. She weighed in at a whopping 23.13 pounds and 31 inches long (I think...00ps). So that puts her under 50 percentile for weight and just at 80 percentile for height.
Ok, getting tired and still have to try to upload some pictures.